Việt Nam
We are here to help.
From RSL testing to regulatory compliance and quality programs to development.

NFPA 1970

Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural and Proximity Firefighting, Work Apparel, Open-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) for Emergency Services, and Personal Alert Safe Systems (PASS)

- 2025 CHANGE: Chemical testing is now required for NFPA certification

- DEADLINE: Update certificates by September 2025

Already have a valid OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certificate?

You need to submit a cover letter from Hohenstein with your NFPA 1970 application.
  • Contact Hohenstein
  • Include OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certificate number
  • Specify SKU information to be included in NFPA 1970 submission

NFPA Chemical Testing - Comparison

What's the best way to satisfy the NFPA Chemical Requirement?


Widely Applicable | Lower Cost | Longer Lead Time

Turnaround Time: 6-8 weeks

Testing Lab: Germany

Samples: Shipped to Indiana

Tests: Customized to material(s) and product class

Renewal: Annual application and testing

Audit: Every 3 years

NFPA Certification: Submit OEKO-TEX® certificate and Hohenstein cover letter to NFPA attestation body

OEKO-TEX® certificates are recognized - and often required - by thousands of suppliers, brands and retailers worldwide.

The modular system enhances traceability and cost-sharing across the supply chain.

Regular vs PPE Supplement
What's the difference?

OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 tests for substances harmful to people.

The PPE supplement makes some exceptions related to specific performance requirements.

RSL Testing

Specific to NFPA certification | Higher Cost | Faster

Turnaround Time: 10-12 days from receipt

Testing Lab: Germany or Hong Kong

Samples: Shipped to chosen lab

Tests: All chemicals listed in the NFPA 1970 standard

Recertification: Re-testing only if materials change or NFPA 1970 standard is updated

NFPA Certification: Submit Hohenstein test report and cover letter to NFPA attestation body

RSL testing in this context is tailored to the specific requirements of a single NFPA certificate.

NFPA RSL Testing Process
  1. Complete Order Form: NFPA RSL Testing Program
  2. Submit to Hohenstein with company's W9 form (or other tax ID form)
  3. Gather samples:
    • 150g (~1 yd) per material
    • Package individually
    • Label to match TRF
  4. Send samples to Lab:
    • Hohenstein Laboratories (HK) Limited
      ATTN: Softline Chemical Testing
      Level 9, Tower 2, Ever Gain Plaza
      88 Container Port Road
      Kwai Chung
      Hong Kong SAR of China
      +852 3191 5800
    • Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG.
      ATTN: Softlines
      Schlosssteige 1
      74357 Bönnigheim
      +49 7143 271-898
  5. Submit Hohenstein test report and cover letter to NFPA attestation body
Ben Mead
Managing Director
Hohenstein Americas